Y o u #ll
n e ve r fo rg e t th a t day.
h e lp keep y o u fro m g o in g th ro u g h
it a g a in .
PLAVIX can help save lives for those who've had a heart attack caused by a completely blocked artery.
Clots th a t block o ff arteries are the
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m ain cause o f heart attack. A nd now
PLA VIX w ith yo ur o th er heart m edicines
th a t you've
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are at a g reater risk o f having an o ther
alone can do to keep blood
th a t
fa ta l.
w h y
to g e th e r
form ing
doctor m ay put you on PLA V IX, along
dangerous clots.
IM PO RTAN T IN FO RM ATIO N : If you have a stomach ulcer or other condition that causes bleeding, you should not use PLAVIX.
W hen taking PLAVIX alone or w ith some other medicines including aspirin, the risk o f bleeding may increase so tell your doctor
before planning surgery. And, alw ays talk to your doctor before taking aspirin or other m edicines w ith PLAVIX, especially if
you've had a stroke. If you develop fever, unexplained w eakness or confusion, tell your doctor prom ptly as these may be signs
o f a rare but potentially life-threatening condition called TTP, w hich has been reported rarely, som etim es in less than 2 w eeks
after starting therapy. O ther rare but serious side effects may occur.
A s k y o u r d o c t o r h o w P L A V IX c a n h e lp in c r e a s e y o u r p r o t e c t i o n a g a in s t f u t u r e h e a r t a t t a c k , s t r o k e , a n d e v e n d e a t h .
T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t h e a r t a t t a c k s a n d P L A V I X , v i s i t w w w . p l a v i x . c o m
o r c a ll 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 1 9 - 2 1 5 8 .
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
important product information on the following page.
O N C E - A - D A Y
l a
v i x ,
(clopidogrel bisulfate) 75mg
sanofi avonris
«V» Bristol-Муто Squibb US.CL0.09.03.014/March 2009 264US08AB49212 sanofi-avenlis U.S. LLC
P r o t e c t io n t h a t h e lp s S a v e liv e s .
© 2009 Bristol-Myers Squibb/Sanofi Pharmaceuticals Partnership
If you need help paying for prescription medicines,
you may be eligible for assistance, (all 1-888-4PPA-N0W
(1-888-477-2669), or go to www.pparx.org
P artn ersh ip fo r
P rescription Assistance
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